Alice Ishiguro Tosey is a creative exploring culture and community with experience at design studios in London and Tokyo. More recently she has developed a new series of print based works that look at her heritage of both Japan and the UK. She is currently undertaking a collaborative design masters degree between Kyoto Institute of Technology and UAL Camberwell, London.

Green Building Print A3 by Alice Ishiguro Tosey
Read below to find out more about Alice’s own practice and her inspirations.
What attracted you to your craft?
My undergraduate study in graphic design was very conceptual. This encouraged me to experiment and ignited my curiosity to play with different media and forms of visual communication.
What does your typical day look like?
I’m currently studying on a masters programme called Global Collaborative Design Practice at Camberwell College of Arts, UAL. I also freelance and spend some time creating personal work. Each day is very different and diverse!
Does your product have an environmental focus?
I use an environmentally conscious printing process and paper selection.
What is the USP (unique selling point) for your products?
I thread my mixed heritage of Japan and the UK in to my work, hoping to offer new perspectives whilst celebrating craft and culture.
Where do you find inspiration for photography?
I draw upon both personal reflection as well as the environments I find myself in. I’ve spent time in London and Tokyo and I’m sure exposing myself to both these contexts has unconsciously had an impression on how I create.
Please can you provide a little more info on how your interest in design started and
I loved art at school and had a great teacher who fostered that passion for creativity and initiated my exploration into further education in the arts. This then developed during my undergraduate study and on in to my career. I’ve had some great seniors and mentors in the industry to help nurture and navigate my journey.

Pink Bus Print A3 by Alice Ishiguro Tosey
Do you have any favourite items in the collection?
The pink bus, the colours and composition of the vehicle aligning with the building behind it made for a beautifully serendipitous moment.
How would you summarise your collection in a few words?
Inquisitive and fun.
Does your work have a social impact?
Not directly but I hope that through engaging in conversations of identity in a creative space it will encourage others to reflect too.
What are your hopes for the future? Where would you like to take your career?
I would like to find ways to interweave the two cultures through a broader and more active collaboration with other creatives. I’d also like to engage more with the education and social design through my masters study.