Jill Sung is a branded space designer based in London and Taiwan. She enjoys making 3D models and experimenting with different materials. Her works aims to transform brand identity into a playful narrative and multi-sensory experience.
Jills’ art mobile ‘Sonata of the Stars‘ was designed as part of a live brief delivered by University of the Arts Careers & Employability team in collaboration with Dulwich Picture Gallery. Students on an industry placement year (diploma in professional studies) at London College of Communication were tasked with designing and producing products inspired by the work of Čiurlionis.
The mobiles are available to purchase in the exhibition shop at Dulwich Picture Gallery and at not just a shop. Designed as a limited edition and inspired by Čiurlionis, the mobiles have been hand finished and come with a certificate of authenticity.

Sonata of the Stars by Jill Sung £135
Read below to find out more about Jill’s own practice and her inspirations.
What attracted you to your craft?
The endless possibility of forms and shapes that can turn into ideas and reality. The painstaking but exciting process of experimentation.
What does your typical day look like?
I spend my time thinking about what I will eat tomorrow, sleeping, waking up, making food, hanging out with family and friends, exploring London and designing new things at home.
Does your product have an environmental focus?
Right now no. BUT…. It is my aim to keep exploring the range of sustainable materials available to me when designing and producing.
What is the USP (unique selling point) for your mobile
Each mobile is handmade, giving them all individual characteristics; from the bend of aluminium wire to the distance and scale of the shapes.
Where do you find and source your inspiration for designs?
Mostly from daily observation of life around me. This series of mobile art was inspired by painting and music from M.K. Čiurlionis.
Please can you provide more information on how your interest in design started and
It began when I discovered the beautiful shop window designs in department stores. It always made me wonder who had created this art work and began my interest in spatial design.

Do you have any favourite items in the collection?
My favourite items is the Sonata of the Sea mobile art. I just love being near the ocean and
enjoy the cool wind of summer blowing on my face when you are in the middle of the
ocean. The Sonata of the Sea has a sail shape for the base and a cream white seagull, and
these elements reminds me of the days out in the ocean.
(Sonata of the Sea is available to purchase in store at not just a shop. Plan your visit here.)
How would you summarise your mobile art in a few sentences, words?
It is a playful installation inspired with M. K. Ciurlions’ Sonatas painting. Constructed with
the balance of shape and movement through my perspective.
What are your hopes for the future? Where would you like to take your design
I would like to continue explore the idea of mobile art with different themes and perhaps
developed the concept of mobile art further into other spatial design ideas.